We look forward to working with your family.
Unfortunately, at this time, Ascot Vale Paediatrics will not be accepting any behavioural and developmental referrals as we have reached patient capacity.
Please ask your referring doctor to organise a referral to another paediatric practice.
All general medical and referrals for babies under 12 months will be triaged, and if accepted, an appointment will be accommodated in a timely manner.
Ascot Vale Paediatrics provide private paediatric appointments. Parents should ensure they understand our billing policies prior to booking an appointment. These policies help us, and your provider give the best possible care whilst avoiding unnecessary costs to the practice or families. For more information, please refer to our Billing Policy.
For Medicare purposes your child is required to attend all appointments (in person or Telehealth). If your child is not present, you will not be eligible for a Medicare rebate.
For new complex patients, some formal diagnostic assessments, a new presenting issue or if your child has not been seen for more than 12 months, you will be allocated 40 minutes for an appointment and a higher fee will be incurred.
Review appointments are scheduled for 15-30 minutes, depending on complexity/time required.
If you have any relevant letters, reports or assessments relating to your referral, please email in advance to [email protected].
Dr Jo Martin – due to capacity, Dr Martin is unable to accept any new Neurodevelopmental referrals at this point in time. Sibling referrals will be considered.
Dr James Liddle – due to capacity, Dr Liddle is unable to accept any new Neurodevelopmental referrals at this point in time. Sibling referrals will be considered.
Dr Emma Magrath – due to capacity, Dr Magrath is unable to accept any new Neurodevelopmental referrals at this point in time. Sibling referrals will be considered.
Dr Alissa Lim - due to capacity, Dr Lim is unable to accept any new Neurodevelopmental referrals at this point in time. Sibling referrals will be considered.
Dr Hsu Chung - due to capacity, Dr Chung is unable to accept any new Neurodevelopmental referrals at this point in time. Sibling referrals will be considered.
All general medical or referrals for babies under 12 months will be accepted and an appointment can be accommodated in a timely manner.

Requesting an Appointment
Your child will need a referral letter to see a paediatrician.
Ascot Vale Paediatrics require a referral from a GP or medical specialist to be received before we can book any new patient appointments.
The referral can be addressed to Ascot Vale Paediatrics or to one of our paediatricians.
Please email your referral to [email protected] and attach your referral and any relevant letters, reports or results.

Booking Process
All referrals received will be triaged.
Once your child’s referral has been triaged, our reception staff will send an email advising if your referral has been accepted or rejected. This process can take up to 1 week.
If your child’s referral has been triaged as a priority, our reception staff will contact you to advise of this.
If the referral has been accepted as next available appointment, reception will email you an acceptance email which will explain the next steps to making an appointment. This email will include our Billing Policy, Separated Parents Consent and advise the fees. A non-refundable deposit is also required to secure the appointment.
Feel free to call reception on 9125 7080 to ensure your referral has been received if you have not heard from us.
Please enter our phone number in your phone and our email address in your email address book to eliminate missing any correspondence from us.

Appointment Deposit Fee
All appointments require a deposit fee.
Ascot Vale Paediatrics require a non-refundable deposit fee to be paid for all consultations, new and reviews.
The deposit fee can be paid via the ePay Xestro link sent out a few days prior to the appointment (review appointments only), in person or over the phone via eftpos or credit card (not AMEX)
Deposit fees - $100 for review appointments or $150 for new appointments (or longer review appointments)
Please refer to our Fees page for more information.

Your paediatrician may offer Telehealth appointments
Telehealth appointments (video consultations) may be offered at the clinician's discretion and in specific circumstances:
- For patients living in regional or rural areas where there is significant travel time
- To minimise risk of infectious diseases- please let us know in advance if you or your child are unwell and we can discuss with your child’s paediatrician to see if Telehealth may be an option
- To provide flexibility for families and accommodate children with special needs in selected circumstances
- Where it is clinically appropriate, and a telehealth appointment will substantially assist in your child’s care
Our regular fees apply to Telehealth appointments. Video appointments are costlier to deliver than regular in person consulting.
For Medicare purposes your child is required to attend Telehealth appointments. If the child is not present, you will not be eligible for a Medicare rebate.
Reception will contact you after the consultation to arrange payment and to make any review appointments. If the consultation is not paid for on the same day, a $50 late payment fee will apply, and no review appointments will be made until paid in full.
Setting the scene for your child’s telehealth consultation
- Please make sure you are in a quiet, well-lit environment with good internet reception. Telehealth appointments may not proceed if your clinician does not have your full attention (i.e. if you are driving or walking). If this is the case, the doctor will advise that the appointment will need to be rescheduled and you will be charged the full consultation fee (and will be ineligible for a Medicare rebate)
- If possible, measure your child’s height and weight before your appointment.
- Telehealth appointments will require your child’s participation. Your child should have a place in front of the camera on your computer or laptop (sitting, standing or on your lap). Your child must be able to easily interact with and be observed by the doctor and generally be part of the of the consultation.
- Toys or activities should be made available close by for your child so we can observe them playing. Please encourage them to share a favourite toy or artwork with us, or even the family pet!
- Avoid video games and social media as these are too distracting and absorbing for your child.
- Video appointments done well, and conducted in a setting as described above, are a very close substitute for being in the consulting room. Talking, observation and interaction are the primary or sole work of a paediatric consultation. When this work is being done in a video appointment, and a physical examination is also needed a brief additional consultation will be scheduled so this can occur. Referrals, scripts and forms are emailed/texted- to providers or to you following the appointment. Staff will help you to book any needed review appointment (or a short appointment if a physical exam is needed)