Fees & Payment Options


Ascot Vale Paediatrics is a private fee-for-service clinic

Notice of fee increase - our pediatrician's will be increasing their fees as of 1st August 2024

The care your child receives is solely funded by private fees.

Ascot Vale Paediatrics provides accurate information about the fees and out of pocket costs associated with services.

Parents should ensure they understand these policies before consenting to those associated services or prior to booking an appointment.

These policies help us, and your provider give the best possible care whilst avoiding unnecessary costs to the practice or families.


Why Fees?

The care your child receives at Ascot Vale Paediatrics is solely funded by private fees. The fees you are charged enable us to provide you with care from an experienced paediatrician, who is supported by an excellent and efficient administration team. Medicare provides substantial rebates to assist families in accessing care but does not cover the cost of providing high quality services.

At Ascot Vale Paediatrics we believe that the best outcomes for your child are possible with an ongoing health relationship with their caring paediatrician. We aim for medical visits that are comfortable, happy and welcoming. Ascot Vale Paediatrics aims to take care of all the administrative assistance needed to support this relationship with your doctor.

Affordability is an important goal for your provider in setting fees but must be balanced with substantial costs associated with running our practice. Your doctor’s fees must fund services including their medical consultation (made possible through their experience, training and on-going professional development, licensing, and other personal professional costs), administrative services (we choose to employ friendly and efficient reception staff) and the comfortable and welcoming rooms we have created at Ascot Vale Paediatrics. Fees may increase over time as practice costs rise.

We understand that not every family will be in a position to afford to come to AVP. There are publicly funded clinics (at nearby hospitals) and community health centres available for all. Your GP will be able to help seek these services as needed.

Our team routinely advise fees, standard rebates and out of pocket costs when booking initial appointments. Initial and longer consultations will involve a higher gap than review appointments, and higher Medicare rebates are available for these. The actual fee can only be determined after the consultation; however, we will advise the highest and lowest fee that could be billed for the appointment. Families may see a different doctor from time to time and should be aware that fees and the gap may be a little higher or less than they are usually billed. Fees for individual Doctors are published on the AVP Registration forms.

The Doctors at Ascot Vale Paediatrics do not routinely offer a Bulk billing service, as it is not sustainable to run our practice this way. However, if your family is experiencing financial hardship, and already have an existing relationship with a doctor working at AVP, then please consider applying for a concession.

Please note that any previous Bulk Bill or concession by your paediatrician is not a guarantee or indication of future Bulk Billing or concessions. Families are provided with information regarding fees in advance of appointments and should expect these fees will be billed for the service provided.

All appointments require a non-refundable deposit fee to be paid for all consultations, new and reviews.

The deposit fee can be paid via the ePay Xestro link sent out a few days prior to the appointment (review appointments only), in person or over the phone via eftpos or credit card (not AMEX)

Deposit fees - $100 for review appointments or $150 for new appointments (or longer review appointments)

Please refer to our Fees page for more information.

Appointment Fees are required to be paid the same day, immediately after your child’s appointment. The appointment deposit fee will be deducted from the consultation fee. Reception can try to clarify the potential consultation fees before booking appointments if uncertain. The fees are based on the item number the doctor selects on the day of the consultation.

If for any reason the account is not paid at the time of the consultation, as per our billing policy, a late fee of $50 will be applied to the invoice. No future appointments will be made, and correspondence will not be forwarded to relevant parties (referral letters/reports etc) until the account is paid in full. 


Families with separated parents



Both parents/guardians are jointly responsible for paying the fee for their child’s consultation.

The parent/guardian attending the consultation will be responsible for payment of the consultation fee on the day, unless the court orders advise otherwise.

Please see Patients with Separated Parents for more information




The Doctors at Ascot Vale Paediatrics do not routinely offer a Bulk Billing service

  • Fees are set to cover the cost of providing a comprehensive service, however we understand that at times families may experience financial hardship.
  • Concessions will only be considered for families who are experiencing financial difficulties who already have an established health care relationship with a doctor working from AVP.
  • Healthcare, pension, and concession cards are not a basis on which concessions are agreed.
  • Patients seeking bulk billed or lower cost health care are able to access publicly funded services close by and are encouraged to do so.

There are many other government-funded benefits which support family healthcare costs. Medicare, including the Medicare Safety Net Schemes and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) assist families with the costs of accessing care in the private system.

Please ask us if you need further details regarding this.


Requesting consideration for a concession



For families who wish to apply for a concessional rate we ask you email [email protected] at least 1 week before your appointment explaining your situation.

Reception will discuss your situation with your doctor and the doctor will consider whether a concessional rate may be offered.